What is missing from the world?

Happy, healthy, minds who love who they are and feel capable of accomplishing their dreams.

How does one fill the void?

Art! finding oneself through the process because the process is more meaningful than the end product

Together, let’s create!

What We Value

  • While there is always an invitation extended, here at Eza Arts we believe that those who decide to come through the door are here for a reason. You are welcomed as if you’ve been lost and have found your home.

  • Eza Arts is a reflection of the artist and her soul. Not only do we give you our genuine selves but we ask that you show up as your authentic self because that is the ‘you’ we’d like to get to know!

  • Our brushstrokes, intentions, and voice are what we use to leave our mark on the world. We believe even the smallest movement can lead to a ripple effect.

  • Emphasis is placed on the art making process as a tool to keep us grounded when the chaos of life storms around us. Find peace in knowing you can learn to find your balance on an uneven path.

  • Using our God given talents and acquired skills to help you see the beauty in the world and inside of you, sets our heart on fire. We are passionate about sharing the power of art.

  • Our heart finds direction from heaven. As God is the master artist laying down the brushstrokes of Eza Arts, we pray that each person leaves better than they came feeling capable to live out their God-given purpose.

The Vision

Eza Arts will be a community of like-minded dreamers and doers whose big ideas cannot be tamed. 

We will be seen as a bird house to shelter, nurture, and help each individual gain the confidence to spread their beautiful wings and fly.

We cultivate a space of growth to provide the opportunity to heal through the art making process.

aka Eza (ee-zuh)

I believe dreams are not meant to be kept in your head, but to be lived out. As an artist, I find the process of creating to be more meaningful than the end product. The same is true with how I view life, it is all about the little things along the way, the feelings, the places, the people, the signs, the steps forward, and the falls backward that make the journey and the goal so much more valuable. Connecting to those around me matters. As God is the master creator, I believe all encounters and paths traveled, lead to His bigger plan.

Here’s My Story…

Creativity was something I never lacked, always curious to learn or coming up with a big idea by thinking outside of the box. A shirt my grandmother once gave to me said “creativity is intelligence and having fun.” Though credit is due to Einstein, it felt like that saying fit me. Growing up every time I colored, painted, or drew it didn’t feel like I was just messing around, but it meant so much more than the outside person looking in could see.

The process of creating brought me something that nothing else in life could. It brought me stillness. From a young age I gravitated toward that feeling. As I grew older, I realized art was a tool that allowed me to communicate openly between my subconscious and conscious mind. I could unpack all of life’s baggage on a blank page, with no words. And in those moments of pure authentic messy me spilled all over the canvas I could begin to fall in love with the me God created because from a different perspective, that mess looked like a work of art.

Elizabeth received her bachelor’s degree in studio art from Kent State University in 2022. She studied a multidisciplinary approach including ceramics, drawing, painting, arts entrepreneurship, and psychology. Upon graduation, Elizabeth began Eza Arts. She currently works full time at Notre Dame Cathedral Latin teaching 9-12th grade drawing & painting courses.

  • For a little over a year before Eza Arts existed, blue herons began to appear in my life. I would take walks regularly and see blue herons. Just assuming this was their natural habitat I didn’t think too much about the sightings, but I always stopped and looked for a while. Something about this beautiful bird would captivate me. The more notice I gave to these creatures the more they would appear in my life; each time becoming more extraordinary. I would see them flying overhead daily, noticeable because of their long thin legs behind them. The bird’s long thin legs symbolize that one doesn’t need massive pillars to remain stable but must be able to stand on one’s own. The two most amazing experiences involved a blue heron inches away from the windshield of the car, wingspan stretching across, leading the car up a hill and a blue heron flying towards me overhead then turning back around and flying parallel to my car, so close to the window I could see it’s feathers in detail. These birds symbolize self determination and maneuvering through life by co-creating their own circumstances. A message from guardian angels who recognize the pureness of hearts and want to fulfill their purposes. The meaning informed me to disregard the opinions of others and lead from the heart. When leading from the heart you can soar. This message only needed to make sense to me and I received it loud and clear.

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Voyage Ohio

Local Stories: Meet Elizabeth Rodriguez